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Results: 12 - pag 2/2«12»
floor-scrubbing machines, And it's 20!

floor-scrubbing machines, And it's 20!
On the other hand, the Ozone (O3) system thoroughly cleans and sanitises environments without the use of chemical detergents: during the Covid health emergency, this system proved to be a precious ally and ensured high levels of cleanliness and safety. ... It offers significant advantages to heavy industry in terms of functionality, reliability and lower costs: Indeed, [...]
floor-scrubbing machines, The cleaning industry comes to grips with blue gold

floor-scrubbing machines, The cleaning industry comes to grips with blue gold
It is beyond doubt that when an area is spic and span, safety standards are higher and the likelihood of accidents and contamination is lower.
Results: 12 - pag 2/2«12»