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ADI Index 2017



Adiatek has been awarded by the Adi Design permanent observatory which choose the Quartz 66/80 professional Adiatek’s floor cleaning machine for the 2017 Adi Design Index, the Italian production excellence catalogue in the design field.
The Quartz finds itself not only among the best Italian design products of 2017 but will be also one of the finalists of the Compasso d’Oro award, the most important Italian design award.
Ethics and safety, besides aesthetics, a design for a world that is changing: these and more other topics emerged in the long selection path.
From the words of the ADI president, Galimberti, the health state of the Italian design is great: concrete, able to renew and competitive in the world.
The Quartz 66/80 professional floor cleaning machine, resulting from the collaboration with AMW Design, has been awarded in the “design for work” category.
As a ride-on professional scrubber, the Quartz 66/80 was conceived to clean medium-large areas thanks to a working capacity of 4.710 m2/h.
Battery powered, it combines comfort and performances with a high maneuverability, offering a great floors cleaning thanks the two brushes powered by two 350W motors. The machine is provided with a strong solution tank with a 100 liters capacity. The detergent solution flow can be adjusted directly from the dashboard, switching from a high to a low flow without pausing the cleaning. The driving sees the operator standing on the machine, while the ergonomic design allows to easily going on and off the machine, to have a wide 360° vision and the complete access to all the machine’s functions.